Telepathy : Brain to Brain communication. Is it True?

02:17 0 Comments A+ a-

brain to brain communication ie telepathy

What is Telepathy? OR direct man to man communication?

The idea of telepathy is quite simple its direct connection between
two or more persons brain without any action or without any words. It
is one type of brain to brain communication. There will be no
connection of wires or other eletronic gadget. Actualy this thing
telepathy is not from the physics it half biology and half science
fiction. So even many say its working for them but still telepathy
does not have any theoratical explanations. So the idea of telepathy
is still in the books of science fiction.

What does history says is there any evidance of telepathy in ancient days?

telepathy communication

When humans started to live in the groups in order to survive they
needed something to express their feelings with each other. So thep
search began. Initialy they used actions. So they started to speak .
But think once what is speakings its transfer of massege through sound
signal, man learnt how to transfer and recieve sound signal and also
to decode massage from it. So the transfering and recieving of brain
signal will also easy for us if we learn how to do it. We do not need
any invension or discovery but we have to practice telepathy thats it.

Whats going on now in the present times in the progerss of telepathy?

The idea of tele pathymay be simple but implimentation is quite
dificult. But humans are clever and our scientist have found the waves
that brain communicate with other organs of our body they named it as
brain waves and they also designed devices that could read brain waves
so the day when man could read brain waves of other people is not far
away from us. And also i have recently noticed that a scientist have
already sucessful in comuinicating this way but he had use a gadget to
to convert his brain waves in to massage then he transfered it to
another gadget through internet which again convert that massage into
brain wave which will be recieved by another person. The experiment
was sucessful but the massage was limited to only to one alphabet.

Whats my ideas about telepathy?

I think telepathy is real and its possible. As we all know that every
comuincation system contains transmitter reciever and medium of
communication. Well if these are needed brain will play the role of
both transmitter and reciever brain waves are acts as medium for
communication. But first of all we should preper our brain to read the
brain waves of others. When we know the langguge of other's brain
waves, its quite simple task. But learning the langguge of brain waves
requires lot of hard work.

Then whats you think about this subject comment here? To express your views.