American aliens: does u.s. Government has contact with aliens for technology exchange ?

23:02 1 Comments A+ a-

Yea. This is the question arises in all of our ming when we thing of
incidents related to some ufo sightings or alien mystries, where the
us government defending aliens saying that they are not existed or it
is the traing or experiment related to the army.

The idea of contacting the aliens are began from world war 2. When
hitler and his mens started to turn the pages of history

and trying to
recover the things which people belive that has extrodinary power (
like crystal skull) and wanted it to use to win the war by contacting
aliens to have an technology exchange like our anciestors did!
Not only hitler other nations participating actively in the war has
also tried same thing . And during this time only america created
nuclear weapons!(with the help of aliens?)
So there is a question in all our mind that does u.s has contact with
aliens? But answer is simple it is not a big matter for a nation which
sent man to the moon and peeping out side our galaxy there are many
incidents that supports this

For example when

some un identified flying things are located near
white house

by radar us government changed the topic by telling that
it was the mistake of radar which identified temperature variations as

Another very famous incident was

unknown lights which appeared in
Stephenville texes and those lights where followed by american army
planes F-16

. Firstly government told that army had no role in that
lights and no army planes where flied in that area. But when the
scientist and other local mens showed intrest in finding the root of
it the government told that army plane was flied but it was only
traing in which bright flares are droped from f-16 as a part of
training not any ufo s .
And very famous thing that supports this disscusion is

Area 51

it is told that america have contact with aliens and setting up a base
camp for aliens in earth. Which american government is refusing.

And recently President

Obama told that

"american government is run
by aliens and he told that they are intrested in our nucler weapons
and they are with us from second world war"

accidently and then told
that he was kidding.
So these all things shows that america has contact with aliens

but is
it true? Share youre comment and tell your feeling about this:

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