Top rumor in science mystries,that would stun you :
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corner of science.. So one who familiar with science must deal with
mysteries. Every step man takes in the area of science resolves a
mystery. Therefore many mystries are broken every day. There will also
be many rumor that says mysteries have been broken but there will be
no avidence. So in this post tells some of these rumors in science
which stunned to world for a second, but there are no avidences about
this things.
First mystry rumor in science is Tsunami bomb
don't get shocked this was in many people's mind when recently japan
faced its worst days by Tsumami. Many said that it might be an
experiment by a super power nation in the world to create an explosive
which look like a natural calamity. This idea is also worth of
thinking. But no nation agreed it. So it became only rumor. But, is it
olny natural calamity ? or someother ammunition developed by some
country? These questions worth million dollars, think about it.
Second mystery rumor in science is Medicine of immortality.
The above image you are seeing is the symbol of immortality in
chinese. Becoming immortal is everyone wants in the way of this many
experiment have been conducted but science says none were sucessful.
But rumor says a chinese scientist was sucessful in developing
madicine that makes a person immortal. But he was murdered by people
because becoming immortal is against the rules of nature and also
world is facing severe problem in population explosion so they thought
that it will we headache for future generetion, so the formula of
immortality was destroyed. But is it only rumor or a real incident no
one knows.
Third mystery rumor is teslas earthquack machines.
Tesla himself is considered as mystery scientist in science he made
many discoveries that are base for our daytoday life. Some source say
that telsa had once made a oscillator that was smaller in size but too
powerfull. He tuned the the oscillator frequency same as the frequecy
of the building he was in. Which created a resonence and the whole
building was about to colapse. When cops entered the building searchin
for tesla he was hitting the machine with a hammer to stop it as he
could not switch off the oscillator. But no one ever able to build
such a small machine that could cause the effect of earthquack. So the
mystery also died with tesla.
Fourth mystery rumor in science is particle thats moving faster than
Yes once our scientist told that they have discovered the
particle that could move greater the speed of light. But soon they
realised that there was the an error in the machine recording the
values so the mistake happened. So there was no particle discovered
that was moving with the speed of light so it was also told as rumor.
Fifth mystery science rumor is the building of time machine
time traveling is one of mans top most dream so there are many
experiment about it. Recently there as a roumor that said russian
scientists have sucessfully invented a time machine but it was refused
by them, may be it was a top sceret mission so it was also is
conidered as rumor.