'Planning',a step for success:

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In life we come across many failures. But if we look back into the
past we find a list of mistakes we did. But the most common mistakes
for our failures is lack of planning.
Planning is the drafting of our task in a mission and the way of doing
that task. It is much needed to estimate about time,money and other
stuffs. It also help to control these all things.
Steps to plan a mission:
1. List out all the task in that mission.
2. From the list of task arrange them as more important to less important.
3. Find out the time,money and other items that could be needed.
4. Usually important task requires more time and other goods. So
divide the time into parts parts. Give important to important tasks.
5. Then which task should be performed first start with it.
This completes the planning. So then execute it as it was planned.
Planning is need for all mission even the silly silly ones to make it
easy and perfect.
So final tip is to plane for every thing. Plannin makes your mistake
and less and lifts you to the way of success.